Coronado Brewing Company Introduces Kassy Fierro, Recipient of the Professional Certificate in Craft Beer Diversity Award!
Last year, CBC worked with SDSU’s Global Campus to create an award for the Professional Certificate in the Business of Craft Beer program. The award not only includes full tuition towards certificate completion but a paid internship position at Coronado Brewing as well. After months of receiving applications, Global Campus selected the award recipient, Kassandra Fierro!
Meet Kassandra Fierro, the taproom manager and cellar person for Atrevida Beer Company in Colorado Springs, a very successful small business started by her parents Jess and Rich Fierro in 2018.
CBC had the opportunity to reach out and get to know more about Kassy before the program officially starts up in February. Keep reading below to learn a few fun facts about Kassy, and discover some of the reasons why she applied for the scholarship award in the first place.
Who Are You?
Kassandra Fierro – but I go by Kassy, and a nickname I go by is Lil’ Squeege. My birthday is August 14th, go leo gang!
San Diego, but I grew up in Colorado Springs.
Dream Vacation Spot:
Anywhere there’s a beach and piña coladas!
Favorite Craft Beer & what it’s Brewed with:
My favorite beer happens to be one of my own recipes called Panecito! It’s a Pan Dulce Inspired Hefeweizen.
Hidden Talents:
I’m a Disney FANATIC! Catch me on a karaoke night singing every song from The Little Mermaid!
Do you have any Pets?
I have an adorable Pitty/German Shepard Mix! His name is Quavo.
Favorite Recreational Activities:
Chilling out with my dog. Or doing anything with my dog! I also really enjoy cooking, but honestly, I’m not the best!
What’s your favorite thing about, or to do in San Diego?
My favorite thing to do in San Diego is going to the beaches of course! My favorite thing about San Diego is all the memories I made there as a child.
If you were stranded on an island and could only bring three items with you, what would they be?
- A Hammock
- A Radio
- And a Mosquito Net
What inspired you to follow your mother’s footsteps?
Seeing how there is no cap on creativity really drew me in. I love how ever-evolving and fast-paced this industry is. Sitting down and being able to create something out of nothing is a feeling I will never get tired of. It’s always going to challenge your creative boundaries and force you to think outside of the box!

What is one of your favorite memories from over the years of watching your Mom brew/operate her company?
A memory that really stands out to me is how we, at Atrevida, have created such a beautiful, inclusive, and loving community. Our customers/regulars are indescribably supportive. I’m very proud of the things we have been able to do for and with our community. Our community is something I will forever cherish.
What are some of your favorite responsibilities as a manager/ celler-person at Atrevida Beer Co?
My favorite part about being a manager at Atrevida is definitely being able to work hand in hand with the owner to solve issues and/or hiccups we might run into. Solving things is my forte. I love puzzles and brewery puzzles are my favorite!
What are you looking forward to the most while working towards your Professional Certificate in Craft Beer?
I am most looking forward to absorbing as much knowledge as I possibly can! This opportunity is absolutely incredible and I won’t let one little piece of information escape me! I’m also really looking forward to meeting new people in the industry and creating awesome relationships! I’m going to seize every opportunity that comes of this!
Background on Atrevida Beer Co.
Kassy’s mother, Jess, is Colorado’s very first female Head Brewer! She’s also well known for creating Colorado’s first Latina-owned brewing company. Atrevida Beer Co is a female-forward brewery, aiming to produce unique flavors that challenge consumers’ perspectives of craft beers. They promote their beliefs with the slogan, “Diversity, It’s on Tap!” If you’d like to learn more about Atrevida, click the link below to check out their website.

Kassy, Coronado Brewing is so stoked to be supporting you in your journey towards completing the Professional Certificate of Craft Brewing. Thanks for sharing your passions and interests in the craft brewing industry, you’re going to do great! Stay tuned for future updates about Kassy’s completion of the program and her internship at CBC.
Learn more about the SDSU Global Campus Professional Certificate of Craft Brewing Scholarship at the link above!