50th Anniversary of Seal Team One
As our customers know, we’ve long been strong advocates and supporters of our military. When the call came in seeking support for the 50th anniversary of Naval Special Warfare SEAL Team One, all of us at the Coronado Brewing Company knew we had to do whatever we could to supply the event with the very best craft beer available.
CBC has supported a number of other military events over the years, including SUPERSEAL, SEAL Sprint and SUPERFROG, and we have worked closely with veteran SEAL, old friend and long-time Coronadan Moki Martin on charitable events. So this year, when we got a call from Moki, we knew it was our job to make sure no one went home thirsty.
We were able to pledge 10 kegs of CBC brew on the spot, and then reached out to the local brewing community and the San Diego Brewers’ Guild to help with the rest. Between our combined efforts we were able to increase our 10 kegs to a total of 22 kegs and several beer dispensers, with the generous help of Karl Strauss, Green Flash and Ballast Point.
In the end, the 50th anniversary of SEAL Team One drew nearly 1,000 additional people from around the world for a four-day series of events and gatherings in and around Coronado. Among those in attendance were current and former admirals, Medal of Honor recipients and their families, and many active duty and former Frogs and SEALs.
And we are happy to say nobody went home thirsty! Mission accomplished.
Footnote: The Navy SEALS are home ported in Coronado. President John F. Kennedy established SEAL Team One in April 1962. They have been a dominant presence in Grenada, the Iran-Iraq War, Panama, Somali, Afghanistan, and most recently in the termination of world terrorist Osama bin Laden.
Footnote: The mission of the San Diego Brewers’ Guild is to promote awareness and increase the visibility of fresh, locally brewed beer through education and participation in community events. The Guild was founded in 1997 to promote area brewers and create an open line of communication and collaboration among San Diego brewers as well as serving as an advocate for the ever-changing beer production and trade laws. Their strength in numbers continues to impact legislation, industry growth and San Diego County tourism. For more information visit their website at, www.sandiegobrewersguild.org.
Moki Martin, veteran SEAL and organizer of the 50th Reunion of SEAL Team One, poses with Ron Chapman (left) of the Coronado Brewing Company and Dot Harms, Coronado Brewing Events Coordinator & executive administrator of the San Diego Brewers’ Guild. Photo by Joe Ditler.